Setting up django and running the server.

#1 Setting up django and running the server.

Django is a python project that enables you to write and make web apps in python. Python is probably the easiest programming language for writing web application. If you haven’t still learned python you can first search for a tutorial for python before you proceed to learn django  because django is written in python.

First we will start by installing django. Make sure you have installed the latest python from and pip.

pip install django

Run the pip install command. If you haven’t installed pip you can go to python’s official website and read on how to install pip in your machine. After the install is finished you can confirm that by using the version command.

getting django version

The version will be displayed if it is properly installed.

Next we will create our django project. We will use the start project command to create our django project.

In the *projectName* tag you will write your project name.
So we will create a project called DjangoTutorial. After creating the project a folder with project name will show up in your directory.
The folder will contain another folder of your project name and a python file.

DjangoTutorial folder

When you open the DjangoTutorial folder *or as you named* you should see the files below.

These files are pretty important but i will first show you how to run your server where your project’s output will be displayed.

running the server

 You will first have to get into the folder we created to access the file.

So get into the folder we created and run the runserver command.
So this results show that our server is running. You will go to a browser and insert the url This will open the server and a django success page will be displayed.

When you see this page it means your server is up and running and that’s it. You have finished the first step of creating a web application.


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